Invitation Only
Your invitation should be inserted into the envelope face up so that the text is legible when removed from the envelope by your guests. If you are unable to insert the invitation right side up, it should be turned in the envelope counter-clockwise.
When done correctly, the invitation should be legible when you pull the card out of the envelope with your right hand.
← back to topInvitation with RSVP Card
Insert the invitation first. Insert the response card under the flap of its included envelope, not inside it. The response card should be inserted on top of the invitation.
Reply envelopes should be addressed and include a stamp.
← back to topAdditional Cards
Insert the invitation first. The largest enclosure card is inserted next, followed by the remaining enclosure cards, including response card, in size order. Insert the response card under the flap of its included envelope, not inside it.
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